The GlobalGRACE Bangladesh team has created a social media platform for women from all walks of life. The platform is a women-only Facebook group named 'Protity – Women in Creation, Joy, and Feeling’. The members can share their written stories, poems, essays, their cooking recipes, and all the stories of their everyday life here. The women entrepreneurs can promote their enterprises in the group. The idea of this group is to become a safe place for all the women to talk about things they may have wanted to share with their friends, but could not always do, as they thought people might not be interested in their stories. This group tries to debunk the myth that their voices are not valuable or valued. The main purpose of this group is to promote women’s wellbeing and to provide a space where women can stand by each other in creation, in joy, in feeling, to share each other's joys and sorrows.
The women entrepreneurs who run small enterprises want to support more marginalized and resource-poor women by recruiting them to work within their businesses. The intent of the GlobalGRACE Bangladesh team in creating the platform is to promote the women entrepreneurs who run small businesses (e.g. home chefs/gardeners) so that, as their businesses grow, they could support more women by recruiting and training them in greater numbers. Another goal is to familiarize the concept of ‘delivery women’ in society through women entrepreneurs. Women who are in the catering business, clothes business, in gardening, and working with other food and household items could employ women as delivery people which could create a new niche for marginalized women to sell their labour power.
At present, there are more than 1300 women members in the group, and the number is increasing day by day. The members are posting about various issues, for example: writing short stories and poems, writing book reviews, promoting their businesses, sharing various food recipes, making fun posts, writing about their everyday experiences etc. The group has become a lively and vibrant platform within a very short period of time.