Imagining Gender Equalities
GlobalGRACE Bangladesh invited Shahjalal University Photographers’ Association (SUPA) and Chokh Film Society (CFS) students to submit photographs and short films produced through mobile phone technology that speak to issues of gender in/equality and aspirations for more equitable gender futures in contemporary Bangladesh. The participants produced 1 minute original short films using mobile phone technology. Photography students submitted original photography/photo stories. The films and photographs addressed contemporary issues of gender in/equality in Bangladesh through an autobiographical lens, drawing on personal experiences and aspirations for more equitable gender futures. All participants in the films and photographs gave their informed consent to be photographed and screened. The judges’ panel consisted of Professor Mark Johnson, Dr Suzanne Clisby, Dr Vivian Lin, Pooja Pant, Mir Shariful Karim Srabon, Dhrubo Das, Sumena Sultana and Jashim Salam.
GlobalGRACE Bangladesh team arranged a two day long exhibition (9-10 July) at Shahjalal University, Sylhet, entitled “Imagining Gender In/equality” to exhibit the works of students who won 1st, 2nd, 3rd and special mention awards in filmmaking and photography competition arranged by GlobalGRACE. The Vice-Chancellor, Treasurer, Proctor, Student Advisor and other teachers came to see the exhibition and it was highly appreciated by the viewers. After the exhibition we arranged a prize giving ceremony. The Vice-Chancellor, Treasurer, Proctor, Student Advisor and other teachers attended this ceremony and the vice- chancellor delivered a short speech. In his speech he appreciated students’ works and acknowledged that GlobalGRACE Bangladesh team’s efforts and initiative to address gender in/equality is commendable.
The winners were...
Short films:
1st place: An Afternoon in the Mist
This is a collaborative film by Asif Jamil, Abu Zar Giffery, Zohaer Abtahi, Tausif Tanjim Pranto and Nazmul Ahsan Sifat. (
We, as a social beings, tend to live in this everyday mist created and maintained by every one of us. This misogynistic mist has completely jarred our perception. Let the next afternoon be free of this mist, let the next morning show a bright day ahead of us.
2nd place: The Puppet
Tuhin Tripura (
Women in our society are treated like puppets, they have no right of self-individualism, they are expected to maintain the order of others, they are not expected to have an opinion.......
3rd place: A Woman’s Story of Self-Reliance
By Mohammad Shhag (
Farjana is the main character. She is the owner of a restaurant. But her way was not so easy because the culture of our country is that this work of running a restaurant is seen as men’s work. It is very difficult for women to do this. Farjana's dream is to run her own restaurant, but she did not have so much money to start the restaurant. Previously she used to cook in many houses earning her livelihood and she saved some money from there. At the beginning she started from a tea stall. Then steadily business began growing. She can actually shape her dream. She has proved her ability to work equally with men and women.
Special mention: Animals!
M. Asif Jamil (
We use the word animal everyday like we’re somehow different from and/or superior to other beings in the wilderness. The truth is, no other creature treats females like we do. So at the end of the day, animals does not mean so bad, does it?
Photography competition finalists:
1st place: Infatuation
Prova Mehedi Joy (
Dilara, my aunt who raised me when I was a child. She loved me like a mother does. From my childhood I saw fascination in her to have a baby boy. But, the almighty had other plans! She gave birth to three girls within a six-year period. She was in a mentally suffocating situation for not having a baby boy. Generally a baby boy in Bangladesh is considered to be the progenitor lamp. To fulfil this desire she took the decision to have another baby after eight years. This time she didn’t leave any stone unturned. She pledged to Allah to bless her with a baby boy. She cried a lot when she saw her ultrasonography that her wish was yet to be fulfilled. Finally, she gave birth to her fourth girl but she surprisingly smiled after seeing the face of her. Now-a-days, I look at her; she is content with what she has and is excited about their prospects.
2nd place: About My Mother
Shah Newaz Sayem (
This a story about my mother. In our country or society our fathers and mothers normally have a really strong difference between their respective duties. But in my case it's a bit different. I saw mother every day all year wake up before everyone in the morning to do the chores, make us breakfast. She washes the dishes, wipes the house as well as feeds us. As to this point it's almost a normal picture for mothers here. Now my mother's duties don't just end here but starts. She is a Head Teacher of a School. So, she has to manage both her duties towards work in office and in home. She is teaching her students thus helping shape a nation. I think it's a great responsibility. Though here she is, maintaining her co-workers & students she always managed to take care about us, her family. Doing both of her duties simultaneously still she never misses to do her prayers to thank almighty Allah for everything.
3rd place: Let There Be Silence
Farjana Ria (
Being a girl is difficult here. Our childhood is fun but it ends so fast. We grow up even before we get to realise. Then there comes words like “Don’t do this, don’t do that. Don’t go there, don’t run too fast. Don’t talk too much, don’t laugh too hard. Don’t walk like this, don’t sit like that.” I just wonder is there any girl who hasn’t heard those words? Then there comes restriction on our clothes. We have to wear something decent. Otherwise we might get raped here! And the blame is on our clothes.
Special mention: Struggle and Dynamic Life of Women
Nure Reduan Araf (
My work was on the vibrant and dynamic life of women in a certainly male-dominated country. The scenario is changing nowadays. Women are empowering themselves, deciding to live an independent life. Women of all ages are now working for the betterment of their lives.